With the winds of fall finally arriving it brings about change. Change is everywhere, a change in the weather, a change in wardrobe and a change in the season. Excitement is in the air! It is time for pumpkins and scarecrows now; soon it will be turkey and pumpkin pie, and then the Christmas season. This is such an exhilarating time of year.
This fall the winds of change are bringing so much more change to our family. I realize that we have less than 70 days until our departure. 70 days! How do you minimize your life into three 50lb bags each? How do you make all the arrangements to leave the country with four kids all under the age of seven? How do you visit all the family and friends before it is time to go? How do you…? The list goes on and on. We know that it can only be done with His help. So we ask you for your prayers for our preparation and for patience during this time of change.
However, the clinic is in desperate need of basic supplies. Medical supplies that are required to provide care to those in need, simple ones that we take for granted every day. Healing Faith will be taking over as many medical supplies as possible on our first trip. There will always be a huge need for more. In addition construction was forced to stop due to a lack of funding while Lufafa continues his education. He is supporting his family and running this clinic for the area all on his own. Our goal is to raise enough support to resume construction on the structure that is in progress and to help supply the medical needs of the clinic. The new building will provide much needed space to be able to better serve the needs of this every growing community. Our hope is that the benefit, being held on 11/11/11, will help to accomplish these goals. We hope and pray that you will consider attending the benefit or donating to the cause of making this clinic a reality. The benefit will be an exciting night to learn more about Healing Faith, the people of Uganda and to learn how you can help play a role in supporting those in need.
Current building project