It is hard to believe that the Segner Family has been in Uganda for over a year. January 4th, 2012 we touched down in Uganda and there has not been a dull moment along the way.
Our journey started with an amazing training program in Luwero at New Hope Uganda. We were surrounded by an amazing group of teachers and fellow students. We spent time learning about the culture, how to survive in the ministry field, how to draw closer to God and how to live in Uganda. It was an amazing time for our family to come together and learn what our "new" life was going to be like. We spent five months in God's word learning how to be better people, better spouses, better parents and better followers of God's word. We made some amazing friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime. We also took away valuable life lessons that have better equipped us to serve in the mission field. I have said it often and I will continue to say it; If we had not gone to training at New Hope our hearts would have been in the right place but our minds would have been lost. I know without a doubt we would not be in the place we are now if it were not for our time spent in training.
After our time in Luwero we moved the whole crew to Jinja, Uganda where God has revealed His plan for Healing Faith. God has placed the right people in our lives and we have been able for form some great partnerships and relationships in Jinja. We have been blessed by two amazing teams coming over from the States to visit us and to see what God is doing in Uganda. The teams were able to bring over much needed supplies, but most of all they were able to recharge our family and provide us with love and support. We had two amazing women who came to help with the ministry, one while we were in training at New Hope who helped watch the kids while we were in training. Auntie Rachael did an amazing job with our children, taught the older boys school and made a huge impact on our lives. Auntie Megan helped to get the ministry going once we reached Jinja. She was able to travel to the villages, assist with work in the field and established some amazing relationships with the people of Uganda. We have been blessed by a 4 month visit from Kari's mom (Meme) and a visit from Aunt Hehe, Uncle Buck and Isaac.
We have had our share of bumps, bruises and defeats along the way. However, instead of letting those things keep us down we have used them as life lessons and moved forward. Some of the lessons have been harder than others. We have been lied to, deceived, stolen from, persecuted and told that we "should go back where we belong." We had a fiasco at the border, dealt with corruption & dishonesty, and had to overcome some majors adversities. Through it all God still had a plan and stood by our side.
- Kobasnja after recovering from her burns
We have been witness to some true miracles that can only come from God Himself. We witnessed a little girl literally raised up out of the ashes and restored to complete health. Kobasinja was one of the first healing miracles we witnessed. From a tiny, cramped clinic in Mafubari I witnessed a little girl who was burned over 80% of her body with severe second and third degree burns restored to complete health. All of my medical training and knowledge said this little girl would succumb to her injuries. Infection and hypothermia should have taken her body. However, God had a different plan. I have seen a little boy whose foot was injured so badly he was only able to crawl. I witnessed God provide healing for his foot and watched him go from crawling in the dirt, to walking and finally running to greet us when we arrived. Through it all, Ishmael had a smile on his face and was always excited to see us. I witnessed the Holy Spirit telling us to stop one day along a dirt road because a child needed our help. We happened upon a young boy named Muwazi who had a horrific burn to his hand. We were able to get him treated and to the hospital for care. He eventually lost the hand to amputation, but was in good spirits, learning to be independent even with the loss of his hand, and most importantly he was alive! His family is Muslim, but Kari was able to share a children's bible with him. I have learned to recognize, diagnose and treat malaria and have been able to treat countless numbers of malaria cases.
- Muwazi on the day we found him in the village
We have had some amazing triumphs and victories and we have also suffered some defeats. Through it all God has been faithful. He didn't promise us it would be easy, He did however promise to stand by us. "For the word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does." Psalm 33:4 Has is been easy? No. I have a supportive family back in the States that I have not seen in over a year, and that I miss terribly. However, I know that we are in God's will for our lives and that is the best place to be. I am thankful for the year God has provided in Uganda. I am thankful for a supportive family, an amazing team working back home that makes Healing Faith possible, the prayers that lift us up and the donors that make our work here a reality. Thank you for allowing us to share the love of Christ with the people of Uganda.
So it is with the reassurance the we continue forward in doing the work He has called our family to do in this amazing country. I look forward to what God has in store for our family and the amazing place we now call home. "Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness." Psalm 115:1
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