Thursday, October 17, 2013

3 months?

As I prepare for a day in the village, I am in shock that 3 months have gone by.  Has it really been 3 months since our last team left?  Has it really been 3 months since we kicked off the malaria education program? As Dr. Seuss said “How did it get so late so fast?”

Tomorrow we head back to Kagoma Gate, where the people have captured our hearts, to follow up on the malaria education program.  We will be going around to check on the 250+ nets we hung. Are they are still being utilized, are they still properly hung and are they in good repair?  These are the questions I have been asking myself as I pack for the village.   I pray for the best, but prepare myself for the worse.

For those homes that are still utilizing their nets properly, we will re-spray their homes with insecticide aimed at killing mosquitos.  That is part of the promise of the Healing Faith education program; if your net is still in use and in good repair we will spray your home again.  The indoor residual spraying method we use as recommended by the World Health Organization is affective for 3 months.  So we will pack up our mask, gloves and sprayers and head back into the village.

We have the honor of having a team from the organization Hope Grafted In  work with us in the village tomorrow.  Our goal will be to follow up on the nets we hung, spray for mosquitos and make sure that we have covered every household and every child in the village with a net.   It is also time to deworm the children again for parasites. A simple treatment of 4 pills will keep parasites out of the children’s bellies for up to 3 months.

Our other goal, the most important goal of all, is to love on the people of Kagoma Gate and be a reflection of Christ’s love for us. My prayer for tomorrow is that the education we provided for each household will have taken hold and that we will find all the nets still in place and in good shape. I also pray that the malaria incidence in the village has gone down even in the midst of the rainy season when mosquitos are thriving.

If you want to get more information about how you can get involved with the Malaria Education program with Healing Faith, please contact us
It cost less than $5 to cover a child with a long lasting insecticide treated mosquito net….Join the fight!

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