Monday, December 9, 2013

Can an 8 year old change the world?

Can an 8 year old change the world?  Absolutely!  Meet Abby Stark, she is changing the world one mosquito net at a time.   Abby is the founder of Nickels for Nets, a program designed to get kids involved in the battle against malaria.

Malaria is a preventable and treatable mosquito-borne disease, whose main victims are children under five years of age. Africa is the most affected continent worldwide: about 90% of all malaria deaths occur in Africa. Did you know that every 60 seconds, just one minute, a child in Africa dies from malaria?  

Every child in the world deserves the chance at a healthy life.  They deserve a fighting chance against malaria.  Pastor Will Lewis said it is just a matter of latitude and longitude as to where we are born; we were blessed to be born in the USA.  Not every child is so blessed as to be born in an area free from malaria.  These children are born into a region where malaria is a burden.  No child should have to suffer based upon where they were born.  They are all God’s children.
Abby is doing her part to make a difference by raising money to buy nets for a malaria-burdened area of Uganda.  Through her efforts and the efforts of all the kids involved with Nickels for Nets they will make a difference.  The money they raise will be used by Healing Faith to purchase long lasting insecticide treated nets.  These nets recommended by the World Health Organization provide protection from mosquitos while sleeping. These nets can drastically reduce the transmission of malaria.

I am very proud of Abby Stark for starting this movement.  It is exciting to see all the children involved in making the world they live in a safer place for other kids just like them.
If  you would like more info about Nickels for Nets you can follow it on Facebook: Nickels for Nets

You can also watch Abby’s video and see her featured on the news at KBTX.

Join the fight!            

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